DESCRIPTION OF BARREL SADDLE. Is a store which have expertise in all equestrian products, you name it. Whether barrel saddle, freemax, jumping dressage or any horse/equestrian new accessories we have it. Our products are intended to provide satisfaction of highest level to our customers each product in our store goes through stringent quality check and are handmade. 10″: 5.5″ ; 12 to 13″: 6.5″ ; 14 to 18″: 7″. 28 – 38. Premium Quality Skirting Leather. Soft Fleece Underside, Fully Hand Carved. Beautiful Basket Weave Leather Design on Pommel, Cantle, Skirt, Fender, Stirrups, Matching Set and Back Cinch. Get Matching Headstall, Breastplate. P AYMENT PAY PAL ONLY. ONE OF THE BEST QUALITY PRODUCT. To their Government policy. THANK YOU HAVE A NICE DAY.